Level 3 - STK Grand Master Certification

The L3 STK Grand Master Certification expands on the Level 2 Master Certification by breaking STK’s advanced modeling and analytical functions into 7 individual Tracks focused on different application areas.

  • Each Level 3 Track has 5-9 tutorials which in total takes up to 4-8 hours.
  • Like Level 1 and Level 2, all trainees will have 14 days from their registration date to complete each track.
  • Upon completion of any Track, trainees will receive a small glass cube with a randomly selected STK graphic etched inside.
  • Upon completion of at least 4 of the Tracks, trainee will become Level 3 Certified and receive an additional large glass cube with STK graphic and spotlight.
  • Trainees must be Level 1 & Level 2 certified to enroll.
  • Track 1: STK Essentials

    This Level 3 Track covers the essentials of STK in detail. Trainees will learn in depth how to model chains and constellations, use terrain to constrain analysis, and design sensors.

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  • Track 2: Analysis Workbench

    This L3 Track covers the Time, Vector Geometry, Calculation and Spatial Analysis Tools. Trainees will learn to streamline, organize and extend the fundamental capabilities of STK.

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  • Track 3: STK Coverage

    This L3 Track teaches trainees how to use the Coverage tool. Trainees will learn how to analyze when and how well regions on or above the central body's surface are "covered" by a collection of assets based on a user-defined performance criteria.

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  • Track 4: Aircraft

    This L3 Track teaches trainees how to use the Aviator propagator. Trainees will learn how to use this premier tool to perform complex, highly accurate, time-based mission analysis for aircraft operations.

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  • Track 5: Communications

    This L3 Track teaches trainees how to use the Communications module to model and analyze real-world RF and optical communications. Trainees will begin learning how to model communications objects, progress to learning how to model complex communications systems and multi-hop Comm links, and finish up analyzing communications over rough terrain using TIREM and in urban environments with UProp.

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  • Track 6: Spacecraft Trajectory

    This L3 Track teaches trainees how to use the Astrogator propagator to create interactive spacecraft maneuvers and trajectory design.

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  • Track 7: Space Environment

    This L3 Track teaches trainees how to evaluate the effects of the space environment on spacecraft including solar power generation, RF communications, and radiation.

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