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Event Name: L3: **Updated in STK 12.8** Evaluate Laser Communication Links
Location: Online
Date(s): Feb-22
Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. (ET)
Price: Free

In this class, you will design a laser communications system to analyze laser communication link budgets using losses at optical and IF frequency ranges. You will evaluate how weather conditions affect these propagation losses using a multi-hop satellite to satellite and satellite to ground laser communications link. We will walk you through how to use both the Beer-Bouguer-Lambert Law and the MODTRAN-derived Lookup Table Laser Atmospheric Absorption Loss Models to design the laser communication link.

Upon completion of this class, you will understand the following:

  • Laser receiver and transmitter models
  • Laser environment properties
  • Multi-hop communications

Follow along on your computer as an instructor walks you through this focused STK lesson. AGI engineers will be available during the session to answer your questions live.


This lesson has been updated to highlight the changes to the chains object in STK 12.8. If you want to follow along with the instructor, it will require you to use STK 12.8. If you are unable to upgrade STK to 12.8 before this class, you can use STK Cloud, a web-based version of STK. There is nothing to download in advance with STK Cloud. It does not require a license or software install. If you would like to use STK Cloud, please select that option when registering and use the link provided in your confirmation email the day of the class to access STK Cloud. To use STK Cloud, you will need the following:

  • An account
  • HTML5-capable browser (IE is not recommended)
  • Fast, stable Internet connection that allows web-socket connections - test your connection here